Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Jesus The Ultimate Fall Guy

It has been several weeks since I have posted on this blog and I would like to apologize to those of you who have been kind enough to subscribe. I have been tremendously busy, as you will see over the next few months when I add to my "published works" links here. I have several items that have been accepted by webzines and a few more pending. One of them is my "Boxes, boxes, boxes . . . devotional which I had posted here, but have taken down since it will be published.
This morning I decided I really needed to return to this blog. While praying about what to post, I was reminded of a short devotional I wrote in February 2007 for my myspace ministry blog. It includes a YouTube video of the song "Above All."
I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to leave a comment if it blesses you.

Jesus – The Ultimate Fall Guy
by Tammy L. Hensel

During my private worship time this morning I was really blessed by a praise song we often sing at church "Above All" by Paul Baloche and Lenny LeBlanc. I found the words on the Internet and printed them out to use as part of my morning devotional. It is the last part of the song that really caught my attention this morning. These words "You took the fall, and thought of me above all," have circulated through my brain all day encouraging me. As I pondered these lyrics it occurred to me that Jesus really is the ultimate "fall guy."

I did a quick google search to see if I could find the origin of the term "fall guy". I came up with a variety of opinions. In fact the only thing that really was common to all the theories was that it emerged in American slang in the early part of the 20th century to refer to someone taking the blame for someone else.

And that, my friends, is just what Jesus did for us. 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NASB) "He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."


Here is a music video of the song.


  1. Great blog Tammy, I loved that song. It was nice to get my mind right before I have to go cleanmy garage....work is never done. God Bless!! I'll be back to read th erest as time allows, 3 kids...uggg

  2. Hi there! Sorry about the MySpace thing. I never check it anymore as I kept getting porn stuff on it. I usually blog on Mimi's Pixie Corner...my regular blogspot. You've a great blog here. I'll be looking more thoroughly at it.

    Glad to meet you!

  3. Thanks for stopping by. I will check out your other blog too. Myspace has put in some new safeguards now so it is a little better if you use the new captcha settings. I wrote a blog with some advice on how to avoid some of the hazards on my Dedicated Writer myspace blog. The next time you log-in there go to your edit profile and look for your "spam" settings. There you should see options to require a "captcha" for friend requests and comments. I never get porn site friend requests anymore. Occasionally I will get an objectionable email, but I just report it to myspace.

  4. Hi Tammy!
    I thought I would drop you a note and let you know I feel much better now :)
    Thanks for all the prayers!
    I love your blog!
    Let's chat soon!
    God bless!
    Diana Joy
